الخميس، 16 سبتمبر 2021

WTC7 - Technical and Logical Error was on 9/11

¤¤¤ The story of  9/11 in New York ¤¤¤

Three towers in New York collapsed on 9/11. 

Two towers collapsed by crash of plane.
One tower collapsed by fire. 


Tower 1: crash (8:46) - Collapse (10:28)
Tower 2: crash (9:03) - Collapse (9:59) 
Tower 7: xxxx (.......) - Collapse (17:28)

Tower 1: First tower received a plane
Tower 2: Second tower received a plane

The time between the two crashes is 17 minutes.

Tower 2: The first tower collapsed 
Tower 1: The second tower collapsed
Tower 7: The third tower collapsed

The time between the crash and the collapse for WTC1 .... 102 minutes.

The time between the crash and the collapse for WTC2 .... 56 minutes.

The time between a collapse of WTC1 and a collapse of WTC2  .... 29 minutes. 

Now, If the collapses of WTC1 and WTC2 are the real reason of fire in the WTC7, so the fire has started in WTC7 about 11 am.

The time between the fire and the collapse for WTC7 was around 388 minutes. 

important questions :

- If the time between the crashs into WTC1 and WTC2 was 17 minutes, then the biggest probability that the time between the collapses for two towers would be almost 17 minutes,  but this has not happened, because it was almost double time ( 29 minutes) . 

What was the reason?

- If the time between the crash into WTC2 and its collape was 58 minutes, then the biggest probability that the time between the crash of WTC1 and it's collapse would be almost 58 minutes, but this has not happened, because it was almost double time (102 minutes).

What was the reason?

- If the WTC1 was the first tower had a crash, then the biggest probability that the WTC1 would almost the first tower collapse, but this has not happened, because WTC2 was the first tower collapsed. 

What was the reason?

- WTC7 collapsed without recieving a crash of plane, and it had taken long time between the fire and its collapse, and the other towers near WTC1 and WTC2 didn't collapse as WTC7. 

What was the reason?


Let us think in logical way . 

If a crash of plane into a huge tower made it collapsing in a free fall way, and if a another crash of another plane into another huge tower made the same result, so what does this mean?

This means that there are three possibilities, if we want to find the reason of collapse in a free fall way: 

  - The crash is the reason
  - The fire of plane fuel is the reason
  - the crash and the fire is the reason

But if a another huge tower collapses in a free fall way without plane, but because of a fire inside the tower, so what does this mean ?

This means there is only one possibility, if we want to fine the reason of collapse in free fall:

 - The fire is the reason. 

The logical conclusion : 

All towers fell due to the fire, not due to crash, in another meaning, the fire is the reason of collapses. 

Now we have to think in this logical points: 

As we know, There are many kinds of fire, so that we have to ask a questions: 

What kind of fire can make building collapsing in free fall way in general ? 

or we can ask another question: 

What is the common kind between the three fires inside those three towers? 

WTC1 .... a kind of fire was plane fuel

WTC2 .... a kind of fire was plane fuel

WTC7 .... a kind of fire was not plane fuel. 

Now, if we sure that a fuel of plane wasnt inside the tower WTC7, then the logical mind says :

If the kind of fire in WTC7 was a different from the kind of fire in WTC1 and WTC2, then the kind of fire is not the real reason of all collapses for the towers in a free fall way.

The logical conclusion : 

The fire of fuel wasn't the reason of collapsing for WTC1 and WTC2. 


The carsh and the fire of fuel were not the reason of WTC1 and WTC2 collapses. 

WTC1 and WTC2 collapsed by a reason did not have any a link with the planes, like crash or fuel, but this reason had a strong link with the same reason that made WTC7 collapsing in free fall way. 


Now, Let us think as terrorists.

If someone wanted designing a great terrorist plan, then the question : Would he think specifically in attacking city or in making towers collapsing? 

We think, he would think in attacking city, and the collapse wouldn't be important. 

But when we go to 9/11, we see the plan had a decision intentionally to make the towers collapsing. 

So, if we were terrorists and wanted to collapse tower, then what is the benefit of plane in our clever plan, if we know that the fuel and crash don't make the tower collapsing ? 

[A technical and logical error occurred on 9/11]

I think there was a technical error occurred during implementation of the plan on September 11 2001, and the executors had tried to fix it, but they failed, and this fail made a logical error in their plan. 

The main of plan was targeting making popular awareness believing that all collapses were due to the aircraft.

Certainly there was another plane, and it was in scheduled of the plan to hit WTC7. 

In other words, the executors were waiting for a plane crashing into WTC7, but an technical error has been prevented a plane from coming, and when the executors failed to fix that technical error that happened with the plane, they decided to choose the best solution. 

The executors have decided to blow WTC7 from inside without a plane scene crashing . 

This is why WTC7 collapsed lately, because the executors was trying to fix the error until 17:28 pm, or they are trying to think in the best forced solution. 

They choosen that solution, and if the executors did not choose this solution ( inside bomb), The trick of the aircraft in the process would be discovered, when investigators later would discover explosives inside the WTC7.

Yes, explosives.

A kind of explosives which are using by contracting companies in demolition large buildings .

Control demolition which always leads to the collapse of buildings at once in a free fall way, and this is the reason of the collapses for WTC1 and WTC2 as well.

The control demolition is that kind of fire we are looking for, and it is the reason that has a strong link with the same reason that makes the WTC7 collapses in free fall way. 

This is the real reason, the reason that has nothing relation with fire of fuel or crash.  

What is the point that confirm this logical analysis without any doubt? 

If our analysis was right, about that technical error which made a logical error on 9/11, then we should ask important question : 

Where did the plane disappear? 

The plane was neccesarry in the plan on 9/11 in order to make it crashing into WTC7, but the plane disappeared in operation . 

Why ? 

let us go to see the events on 9 September 2001  in America according to reality, and according to official government story. 

Early on the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers took control of four commercial airliners

The four flights were:

American Airlines Flight 11: a Boeing 767 aircraft, departed Logan Airport at 7:59 a.m. en route to Los Angeles with a crew of 11 and 76 passengers, not including five hijackers. The hijackers flew the plane into the northern façade of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City at 8:46 a.m.

United Airlines Flight 175: a Boeing 767 aircraft, departed Logan Airport at 8:14 a.m. en route to Los Angeles with a crew of nine and 51 passengers, not including five hijackers. The hijackers flew the plane into the southern façade of the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City at 9:03 a.m.

American Airlines Flight 77: a Boeing 757 aircraft, departed Washington Dulles International Airport at 8:20 a.m. en route to Los Angeles with a crew of six and 53 passengers, not including five hijackers. The hijackers flew the plane into the western façade of the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, at 9:37 a.m.

United Airlines Flight 93: a Boeing 757 aircraft, departed Newark International Airport at 8:42 a.m. en route to San Francisco, with a crew of seven and 33 passengers, not including four hijackers. As passengers attempted to subdue the hijackers, the aircraft crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, at 10:03 a.m.

Now, see again the information above , you will clearly see a single plane from the four planes, has no benefit in the terrorist plan, or it did not make any terrorist attack, and this plane is the plane that executors was waiting for, but an technical error occured with this plane, and that error made it changing it's path, and made it crashing into empty field in Pennsylvania.

We believe that technical error has a relation with the led of the plane, and the official story tried to offer strange explain.

Offical story says : passengers clashed with the hijackers and changed their path. 

it is nonlogical explain, why? 

Passengers at that time were not interested in saving the lives of others people, but they were interested in saving their lives. 

What is the source of that technical error?

We think strongly that error occurred in the intelligent automatic control system of plane, which is using to remote aircraft, and that error had output it from the planned path towards WTC7, and made it moved towards Pennsylvania.

This technical error that made a logical error in 9/11 operation is the real reason that made planners ignoring talking about WTC7 on that day, and still ignoring talking about it nowadays in their medi. 

They try to ignor talking about it in all media in order to prevent all people from thinking about this logical mistake that happened from an error in an automatic control system of plane which changed it's path towards WTC7 and made it fall into an agricultural field in Pennsylvania.

And this technical error that made logical error in 9/11 operation is the real reason that made 95% of Americans still believe that only two towers collapsed on September 11 in New York, and they do not know that three towers have collapsed on September 11, Because if everyone in America or world will reach to this logical error, then they will discover the trick of September 11, which was made by the ruling decision center in America and Briatin, for making international legitimacy to America and the Western countries to occupy Muslim countries. 

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